Our environment for students in Year 6-7.

What We Do

Transit is a weekly environment that meets Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 11AM. Students of Year 6-7 joins the Adults Sunday Gathering for the singing before spending time in teaching and discussion in small groups. Small groups are at the core of Transit. They’re made up of a consistent group of students and led by committed adult leaders. These groups are designed to create a safe environment for students to share what’s going on in their lives, ask questions about faith and help navigate the middle school world. Our hope is to energise Year 6-7 students to connect with peers and give them a vision of who they were created to be. 

The road through pre-teens years may be bumpy—but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Transit students are surrounded by a community helping them on the journey to discover a faith of their own. 

Want a better answer than “good” when you ask “How was church?”

The Rocks Parent Cue Website ( helps you, as a parent, follow along with what your pre-teens student  is learning on Sunday mornings. It’s designed to help you do something simple each week to help move your child toward a deeper faith and a better future. Maximise your time—in the car, at the dinner table, before bed—and ask questions that help lead to simple faith conversations about what they’re already learning.