Father's Day at The Rocks | 1st September 2024


Current Opportunities

At The Rocks Church, our mission is to inspire people to follow Jesus. We’re seeking Christ-centered individuals who are passionate about using their talents to make an impact. If you feel called to serve in a vibrant, faith-filled community, explore our current opportunities and join us as we inspire and empower others to live out their faith.

Waumba Land Director

Part-Time (0.4 FTE), Tuesdays and Sundays
The Waumba Land Director will create engaging environments for pre-school aged children, helping them begin their journey of faith. This role involves leading a team, overseeing programming, and ensuring alignment with The Rocks Church's mission to inspire children to follow Jesus.

UpStreet Director

Part-Time (0.4 FTE), Tuesdays and Sundays
The UpStreet Director will lead and develop engaging environments for primary school-aged children, helping them grow in their faith. This role includes overseeing Sunday programming, leading a volunteer team, and ensuring kids experience God’s love in a fun and impactful way.

Email Your Resume + Cover Letter 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about The Rocks Church

General Questions

Who is the Senior Pastor of The Rocks Church?
Daniel Indradjaja is the senior pastor of The Rocks Church, which has two locations in Perth, Western Australia: The Rocks Cannington and The Rocks Baldivis.

Daniel Indradjaja is also the lead pastor of The Rocks Cannington.
Alistair Cochrane is the lead pastor of The Rocks Baldivis.

Michael Rumende is the associate pastor of The Rocks Church who leads the The Rocks Church staff and the day-to-day operation of the ministry.
Do I need to commit to attend either Cannington or Baldivis locations on Sundays?
Yes, it is important that you choose a church and commit to attending there. By committing to one location, you can truly get involved in and feel a part of what is happening in that community. You can also serve strategically in one of that church’s environments. It benefits you and the location to which you commit if you choose one church to attend.
How do I stay connected to The Rocks Church community?
We would love for you to follow us on Instagram. You can also like us on Facebook and follow our Parent Cue Website.
How do I get connected to a small group at THE ROCKS?
Visit our groups page to find out more about community groups. You may also contact groups@therocks.church if you have any other questions.
Is THE ROCKS Church part of any denominations?
The Rocks Church Ltd. is part of Irresistible Church Network Australiasia, consists of global churches who has like-minded vision and ministry philosophy. We believe that there should be an irresistible church in every community.

Because people who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus. And He liked them back. Every community should have a church just like that.

The Rocks Church Ltd. is also officially part of a denomination called Crosslink Christian Network.
Do you provide a sign language interpreter for hearing impaired guests?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a sign language interpreter for our hearing impaired guests at this time.

FAQs about Membership

Does THE ROCKS Church have membership?
Here at THE ROCKS Church, we want you to know that the moment you walk through the doors, you belong here and can consider this place your church home, no title needed. Since we don’t have traditional membership, you won’t be able to “join” the church as a “member,” but we hope you become fully engaged in the life of the church. You can engage with us through serving strategically, connecting in a group, inviting others, and giving systematically. Those who are fully engaged with us are considered our members.
We describe full engagement as:
  • Connecting in a Group
  • Serve in a Team
  • Giving Systematically
  • Inviting Others
How do I become a member of the church?
We’re glad you’re interested in engaging in the life of our church. We don’t have traditional membership in the sense that you “join the church,” but we’d love to help you get connected. Our hope is for The Rocks Church to be a place where you can walk through the doors, call it your church home, and begin to get connected, no title needed. Those who are fully engaged with us are considered our members. We describe full engagement as:
  • Connecting in a Group
  • Get Involved – Serve in a Team
  • Inviting Others
  • Giving Systematically
How do I become fully engaged here?
We want to be a church where unchurched people love to attend. In order to be that kind of church, we need the help of those who share our passion for inspiring people to follow Jesus.
If you share that passion, or even if you simply love this place, you can fully engage in the life of the church by doing four things:
  • Connecting in a Group
  • Get Involved – Serve in a Team
  • Inviting Others
  • Giving Systematically
Why don't you have traditional membership?
Traditionally, membership has been known to represent joining a church, calling it your church home, and/or taking the first step toward involvement and volunteering. Yet the word “membership” has also carried a lot of baggage and has become an unnecessary barrier to involvement for some of our attendees.

Since The Rocks Church began in 2004, we’ve viewed membership differently – as more of a partnership and leadership position – and thus have had prerequisites to becoming a member.
Over the years, this has caused some misunderstandings and feelings of exclusivity, which conflicts with our desire to be a church where anyone can get involved and grow.
We’re glad you’re here! Please let us know how we can help you take some next steps.
What about leadership?
At a leadership level, it’s important that we’re all aligned regarding beliefs and accountability. Because we don’t have traditional membership, we ask that anyone interested in entering into leadership meet specific prerequisites that help us know we’re on the same page. Each leadership application will include questions around the person’s spiritual background, leadership background, and, for many ministries, a certified police clearance check.
How do I become a leader in The Rocks Church? What are the prerequisites?
f you’re interested in leadership, start by exploring our website to learn about the various ministry areas where you can lead or mentor. Once you're ready, begin your application [here].

Each ministry has specific requirements for its leadership positions. These requirements will be detailed on a landing page before you begin the application. Additionally, all ministry applications will state that each potential leader must:
  • Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a clear understanding of salvation.
  • Have been baptised after accepting Jesus as their Saviour (believer’s baptism).
  • Be willing to be held accountable to church leadership regarding matters concerning your relationship with God and others.
After you submit your application, a ministry team representative will contact you about the next steps.
What if I need a membership confirmation letter for a reference?
We are able to provide a confirmation letter based on your involvement. Please contact us for more details

What We Believe.

About the Scriptures

We believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Spirit of God to write the very words of Scripture. Therefore, we believe the Bible is without error.

About God

We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity (the Son of God) who became flesh to reveal God to humanity and to become the Saviour of the lost world.

About Humanity

We believe that all people were created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him but became alienated in that relationship through sinful disobedience. As a result, people are incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through their own efforts.

About Salvation

We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, God freely offers salvation to those who place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for their sin.

About Christian Life

We believe all Christians should live for Christ and not for themselves. By obedience to the Word of God and daily yielding to the Spirit of God, every believer should mature and be conformed to the image of Christ.

About the Church

We believe that the church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the head. The members of the church are those who have trusted by faith in the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to the lost world.


A Brief History of The Rocks Church

In The Beginning

Daniel Indradjaja completed his Master of Theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. After leading a youth ministry in Dallas, Texas for a few years, Daniel and his wife Hulda returned to Perth in 2001. This is when he began leading a Bible study group with a small number of Curtin university students.

In March 2004, this group of students (fewer than 30 people) began meeting every Sunday as a church fellowship. The congregation started to grow, and later that year, they contributed to purchasing The Rocks' first property at 31A Manning Road, Cannington. This small commercial space was less than 120 square metres.

In 2007, The Rocks acquired a larger property nearby, hoping to develop it as a place of worship. Due to zoning restrictions, they had to sell the building. Thanks to God's providence, the building was sold for twice the purchase price a year later, enabling the church to purchase a larger property next to the original site. This used to be a Chinese buffet restaurant. In 2010, they undertook major renovations and met there for the following three years.

In 2014, The Rocks acquired a 1.4-hectare piece of land in the city centre of Canning. They purchased the land and started building their main campus, where they are still meeting today (The Rocks Cannington). They moved to the 26 Cecil Avenue, Cannington property in May 2016.

In 2020, Spires Life Church in Baldivis joined the organisation. Sharing the same heart for their community in Rockingham, Ps Gordon Bassett, who founded and led the church for over 40 years, sought a succession plan. After much prayer, they decided to join The Rocks Church. In July 2020, Spires Life Church officially became The Rocks Baldivis.

Beyond the numbers

Currently, The Rocks Church has over 800 adults participating in three Sunday gatherings. More than 200 children and students meet in small groups while their parents attend worship. During the week, many adults meet around the city in small groups for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.

Daniel Indradjaja, senior pastor of The Rocks Church, shares the vision that he, the staff, and the attendees have for this church: “God has blessed us with enormous potential to reach the 100,000 unchurched people in the community of City of Canning and 140,000 in the community of City of Rockingham.”

Leading those in the community into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ drives everything we do at The Rocks Church.