Father's Day at The Rocks | 1st September 2024



S.O.A.P is a simple and effective method for studying the Bible and applying its teachings to your life. It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. By following these four steps, you can deepen your understanding of the Bible and develop a more meaningful relationship with God.



Write down the Bible passage you are studying. This helps you focus on the specific verses and keeps them fresh in your mind.


Note your observations about the passage. What is happening? Who is involved? What is the main message? Write down any words, phrases, or ideas that stand out to you.

You may also take note here (and write out):
  • Personal examples to emulate or avoid
  • Commands to obey
  • Promises to trust in
  • Warnings to heed


Reflect on how the passage applies to your life. How can you use its teachings in your daily actions and decisions? Write down any personal insights or steps you can take to apply the passage.

The key here is to recognise that this is now how it impacts you personally, rather than what it says universally.
  • What is in here that leads me to adore God?
  • What is in here that leads me to confession?
  • What is in here that leads me to thanksgiving?
  • What is God communicating to me through this text?
  • Why is God showing me this today?


Write a prayer based on what you have learned.
Ask God to help you understand and apply the passage, and to support you in living out its teachings.

Journaling Options

Discover a variety of journaling methods to enrich your spiritual journey. Find the perfect fit for your personal growth and reflection.

Paper Journal

You can use a dedicated notebook or journal to write down your SOAP entries. This traditional method allows for personal reflection and creativity. You can personalise your journal with drawings, colours, and other decorations.

Digital Journal

If you prefer a digital approach, there are many apps and tools available. You can use a note-taking app on your phone, tablet, or computer. Some popular options include DayOne or Evernote.

“The S.O.A.P method of journaling has revolutionized my devotional time. It’s a way to dig deeper into Scripture and to see how it applies to my life.”

- Christine Caine

“S.O.A.P journaling is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. It helps you to focus on God’s Word and to hear His voice more clearly.”

- Joyce Meyer

“By using the S.O.A.P method, you’ll find yourself not just reading the Bible, but actually engaging with it in a way that brings transformation.”

- Wayne Cordeiro

The Plan to accompany “Strong Foundations” Sermon Series

Week 1 - July 2024
Week 2 - July 2024
Week 3 - July 2024
Day 11: John 7:1-36
Day 12: John 7:37-52, John 8:1-20
Day 13: John 8:21-59
Day 14: John 9:1-41
Day 15: John 10:1-21
Week 4 - July 2024
Day 16: John 10:22-42, John 11:1-16
Day 17: John 11:17-57
Day 18: John 12:1-36
Day 19: John 12:37-50, John 13:1-20
Day 20: John 13:21-38, John 14:1-14

Example S.O.A.P Entry

Day 1: John 1:1-28

  • Scripture: John 1:1-28
  • Observation: These verses talk about how Jesus, called the Word, existed from the very beginning and is God. John the Baptist came to tell people about Jesus, preparing them for His arrival.
  • Application: Jesus is central to everything, even from the start of time. Understanding this helps us realise the importance of His message and presence in our lives. Like John the Baptist, we can also help others learn about Jesus.
  • Prayer: God, help me to understand who Jesus is and why He is so important. Give me the courage to share this understanding with others.
By following these steps, you can use the S.O.A.P method to gain deeper insights from the Bible and apply its teachings to your life. Whether you choose to journal on paper or digitally, the key is to be consistent and intentional in your study and reflection.
For the remainder of the days example SOAP entries, click here.