As a parent, one of the biggest things you can do to help your children connect with God and with the local church is to model and encourage a lifestyle of serving. Here are a few ideas how to get started:
Find serving opportunities as soon as possible
It is never too early to sow the seeds of a servant’s attitude in the hearts of your children. Reward them when they help pick up the toys at home. Encourage them to offer to help their teacher clean up when class is over at church. Always look for ways they can begin serving others.
Invite your children to serve with you
Volunteer to serve regularly in their class at church, and invite them to help you. They can help pick up toys, hand snacks, and clean up when the other kids are gone. If you serve in a younger class, invite your older kids to help.
Help them find a place to serve on their own
There are many places in your church where your Kids (starting from year 5) can serve at The Rocks ; Waumba Land, Upstreet, Camera Operator, Computer Graphics, Lighting, Audio, Band, Inside Host, Don’t be shy about asking adult leaders how they can involve your kids in serving.
Model Generosity for them.
If we want to think about helping our kids become compassionate, we need to invite them into the process so they can see what compassion looks like and experience the joy of meeting someone’s need.
Expose kids to the needs of others.
Because your kids don’t always naturally see people’s needs, you can help them become aware of the needs in your community and around the word. Know what’s appropriate to share with your kids, but a great place to start is sharing stories about kids who have needs.
Give them resources to meet those needs.
Since this happened with our son, we’ve been more intentional about giving our kids extra money or food along with instructions to look out for people who they could help. Not only are they developing eyes to see the needs of people around them, they are having fun meeting those needs. It’s been great to watch them brainstorm and make suggestions about new ways that our family can help the people we know.