Father's Day at The Rocks | 1st September 2024


Leaving a Gift In Your Will is Easy

We all need a Will—it's the best way to ensure our wishes are honoured after we're gone.

Once you've provided for your family, consider leaving a gift to The Rocks Church in your Will. This act of generosity can continue your legacy of faith and commitment, reflecting values like love, justice, and hope. Your example can inspire others to do the same, making a lasting impact on our community and beyond.

We recommend speaking with your solicitor to ensure your wishes are clearly expressed. Our team is also available to answer any questions you may have. Simply contact giving@therocks.church or call 08 6114 7988‬

Here are three main ways you can include The Rocks in your Will:

  • Include a percentage of the remainder of your estate: After caring for your loved ones, you can leave a percentage of the remainder to The Rocks. This "residual" gift retains its value over time and makes a lasting difference.

  • Nominate a percentage of your estate: You can choose to leave any percentage of your estate to The Rocks—whether it's 1% or more, your gift will continue to support our mission.

  • Leave a specific amount, property, or shares: Known as a pecuniary gift, you can designate a set amount of money, real estate, or shares to The Rocks, ensuring your contribution directly supports the church’s work.

What Should Your Will Say?

To make it easy for you to include a gift to The Rocks Church in your Will, here’s some suggested wording you can share with your solicitor:

“I give, devise, and bequeath, free of all duties and taxes, *<_____________> to The Rocks Church Ltd of 26 Cecil Ave, Cannington WA 6107 (or its successor organisation) for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from The Rocks Church will be sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee without needing to see the final distribution.”

*Insert one of the following:
  • The whole (or ...%) of the residue of my estate.
  • The whole (or ...%) of my estate.
  • The sum of $(amount).
  • (Details of a particular asset—such as shares or property).

Already Have a Will?

If you already have a Will and would like to include a gift to The Rocks Church, simply contact your solicitor to add a “codicil,” which is an amendment to your existing Will.

Your Questions Answered

I don’t have a Will. Should I get one?
Yes, everyone should have a valid Will. It’s the only way to ensure your wishes are honoured when you pass away. We recommend speaking to a solicitor to ensure you have a professionally written Will that gives you peace of mind.
I already have a Will, but I’d like to include The Rocks Church. Can I?
Absolutely. To update your existing Will to include a gift to The Rocks Church, you can add a “codicil,” which is a simple amendment to your current Will. Your solicitor can assist you with this process.
Do I need to be wealthy to include a charity in my Will?
Not at all. Many people choose to include a charity like The Rocks Church in their Will, regardless of their financial situation. Any gift, large or small, can make a significant impact. While family comes first, you can also leave a percentage of your estate if you’re unsure about a specific amount.
How will my gift be used?
Your gift will be used where it’s most needed to support The Rocks Church's mission at the time of your passing. If you wish to direct your gift towards a specific area of ministry, please contact us before visiting your solicitor.
What will my family think?
Including The Rocks Church in your Will can show your loved ones the values you hold dear, like faith, generosity, and service. It’s a good idea to discuss your intentions with your family to ensure they understand your wishes.