Father's Day at The Rocks | 1st September 2024

Global(x) Journeys 2024

Global(×) is the missions ministry at The Rocks Church.We offer 2 international service opportunities in 2024. Thailand and Indonesia

Applications close on 14th July

When most people think about serving, their first thought isn’t going global. Maybe it’s the logistics, the travel, or the fear of venturing beyond familiar boundaries. But what if serving around the globe is a way God works through you to grow your faith?
After a long break due to COVID, Global(x) is back this year, offering meaningful ways for people like you to engage in global service opportunities, work alongside our in-country partners, and serve at-risk children and families. We provide international short-term journeys tailored for adults, students, and families.
Adults, this August, you can bring hope to a community, deepen your faith, and return inspired!
Parents, a Global(x) family journey offers a unique opportunity to expand your child’s worldview and nurture their faith as they experience the joy and compassion of serving others.
Watch what God does when you step out of your comfort zone and into a Global(x) journey. It’s time to go global with Global(x)!